New York City Bankruptcy Attorney | NYC Law Office of William Waldner

Protect Your Assets with Federal and New York Bankruptcy Exemptions

Bankruptcy can be scary, as many people envision themselves living penniless and unable to afford a home or car. While bankruptcy may not be ideal, it’s also put in place to protect people who are going through financial hardship. Utilizing bankruptcy as intended can help put your debts behind you and start fresh. And, thanks […]

Will Bankruptcy in New York Affect My Tax Refund?

Tax Day is the federal individual tax filing and payment deadline, and it generally falls on or around April 15. This year, Tax Day is on Tuesday, April 18, 2023. This means that you’ll have to submit your individual tax returns and tax payments to the IRS on this date so you don’t get hit […]

Alternatives to Bankruptcy

Explore Debt Management Alternatives to overcome overwhelming debt without filing for bankruptcy, including consolidation, settlement, and budgeting strategies.

How to Know When to Declare Bankruptcy in Yonkers NY

Most people take their debts seriously, but it can be difficult to know when to file bankruptcy and when to choose another strategy like debt consolidation. The Law Office of William Waldner offers a free, no obligation consultation that can help you make an informed decision. This is a great place to start when your […]

Can Bankruptcy In New York Eliminate Tax Debt?

Tax debt is one of the most frustrating debts a person can have. The creditors can be aggravating, but no one is quite as merciless as the IRS. The IRS has the power to shut down your business, seize assets, garnish wages and even withhold Social Security benefits. Until you pay your taxes, the IRS […]