What Should I Do About Debt Collectors Who keep Calling After Filing Bankruptcy
Debt collectors. They’re the worst, aren’t they? When you first default on your payments, it’s only natural that you’re going to hear from the debt collectors. But when you do your part and work with a bankruptcy lawyer in New York, you should stop receiving these harassing calls and letters, right? Not exactly. Even with […]
Wage Garnishment in New York: You Do Have Rights and Options
Wage garnishment is a problem for many Americans. If your wages have been garnished, rest assured that you are not alone. Here at Midtown Bankruptcy, we see this problem often with our clients. Many do not realize that they have options to protect themselves. Even though you’re probably feeling scared, overwhelmed and frustrated right now, […]
Rent Arrears and Overdue Rent in NYC: What Options Do Tenants Have?
In an ideal world, renters would pay their rent on time and landlords would use this money to pay for the mortgage, utilities, insurance and upkeep. Experienced landlords would also have a slush fund built up to cover a month or two of late rent payments. But as we know, life is far from ideal. […]
Can I Get Out of Credit Card Debt Without Paying?
Credit card debt can quickly become overwhelming, affecting your financial well-being and overall quality of life. You pay one credit card bill and another pops up. If you find yourself drowning in credit card debt with no viable solution in sight, filing for bankruptcy may offer a fresh start. In fact, overwhelming credit card debt […]