New York City Bankruptcy Attorney | NYC Law Office of William Waldner

How Credit Reporting Errors Can Risk Your Home Ownership

Credit reporting errors can seriously impact your financial life. Discover how to identify, prevent, and dispute these inaccuracies to maintain a healthy credit history. This comprehensive guide provides practical steps and expert advice to help you navigate credit reporting errors effectively.

How to File Bankruptcy in New York: A Step-by-Step Guide

Struggling with debt and wondering how to file for bankruptcy in New York? This in-depth guide covers everything you need, from choosing the right Chapter to navigating the process smoothly. Get the financial fresh start you deserve.

How Will Bankruptcy Affect My Taxes? Essential Insights

Discover the vital connection between bankruptcy and your tax obligations. Our guide unravels the implications for tax refunds, filing procedures, debt cancellation, and offers crucial insights to navigate this complex intersection of personal finance and taxes.

Can I Take a Vacation Before I File for Bankruptcy?

Can I take a vacation before I file for bankruptcy? Find out the answer to this common question, along with tips on navigating travel, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, and when to consult a bankruptcy attorney.