Once you file bankruptcy in Brooklyn NY, your life returns to normal – but hopefully a less stressful normal. In order to get to work or school, you’ll need a dependable car, and you might be wondering how bankruptcy can affect getting a lease. While bankruptcy will impact your credit score, this doesn’t mean that you can’t lease a car. 

Let’s look at what you need to know about leasing a vehicle after bankruptcy, including steps to take and considerations to keep in mind. 

1. Understand Your Credit Situation

Before considering a car lease, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your credit status post-bankruptcy. Request a copy of your credit report from all three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) and review it for accuracy. Look for any discrepancies or errors that might be affecting your credit score.

2. Choose the Right Timing

Leasing a car immediately after bankruptcy may be challenging due to the impact on your credit score. It may be more favorable to wait a year or two after your bankruptcy discharge to improve your credit and increase your chances of securing a better lease deal. Some people see their credit score increase in just 30 to 45 days, which means you can be looking at a much better situation in the near future if you wait.

3. Work on Rebuilding Your Credit

While waiting, focus on rebuilding your credit. Make all payments on time, reduce outstanding debts, and consider getting a secured credit card or a credit-builder loan to establish a positive credit history. When you file bankruptcy, you’ll be required to take a credit counseling class, so make sure to follow the tips and strategies learned here as well.

4. Budget and Assess Your Needs

Determine your budget for a leased vehicle, taking into account your current financial situation. Be realistic about what you can afford. Assess your transportation needs to choose a car that suits your lifestyle and budget. If it helps, shop for a car online. This way, you won’t feel as pressured with a salesperson next to you, and you’ll have time to research a wide range of cars and their prices.

5. Research Lease Options

Research car dealerships and leasing companies that work with individuals who have less-than-perfect credit. Some dealerships specialize in helping individuals with credit challenges obtain leases.

6. Be Prepared for Higher Costs

Due to your bankruptcy, you may be offered a lease with a higher interest rate and potentially higher monthly payments. Be prepared for this possibility and factor it into your budget.

7. Be Honest and Transparent

When you’re ready to lease a car, be honest and transparent about your bankruptcy history when speaking with potential lessors. They are likely to find out during the credit check, so it’s better to address it upfront.

8. Provide a Co-Signer or Larger Down Payment

To improve your chances of getting approved for a lease with better terms, consider providing a co-signer with good credit or a larger down payment. Both options can reduce the risk for the lessor.

9. Review the Lease Terms Carefully

Before signing any lease agreement, carefully review all the terms and conditions, including the interest rate, monthly payments, mileage limits, and maintenance responsibilities. Ensure that you understand and are comfortable with the terms.

10. Make Timely Payments

Once you’ve secured a car lease, it’s crucial to make all payments on time. Timely payments will help you continue to rebuild your credit and potentially qualify for better terms in the future.

Final Thoughts 

Leasing a car after bankruptcy is possible, but it requires careful planning and financial responsibility. By understanding your credit situation, rebuilding your credit, and being prepared for potentially higher costs, you can secure a car lease that meets your needs and helps you move forward on the path to financial recovery. Remember that patience, diligence, and responsible financial management are key to successfully leasing a car after bankruptcy.

The Law Office of William Waldner offers free consultations, giving you the opportunity to discuss your situation and determine if bankruptcy is the right solution.  Contact us today and let’s chat about your options!
